Saturday, February 26, 2005

sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy kim

so last night we went over to the savagedorm and gamed until the wee hours of the morning.

mainly the wee hours because we got there around 630, took a while to prep for dinner, and then ate and got situated, and started around 8 or 830. lunchmeat got home around 10 or so, and around 1030 the neighbor lady drove home and noticed that corpse's back driver side window had a large hole in it.

this lead to the following: cathy, patrolling the street and inspecting said vehicle with her maglite, in very police-proper fashion. dan quoting corpse on how much it would cost to repair the window. and darin cutting a plexiglass peice to fit the window. this was all before the cop arrived to report it. god only knows who broke the window. at any other house corpse probably would've ended up with some duct tape and cardboard. by the time darin and i finished with the duct tape, if you didn't know what you were looking for, you'd have no idea that there wasn't glass there. *sigh*

when the cop did get there (before the actual "installation"), we'd checked other cars on the street and ascertained that his was the only one hit. the cop pulls up and makes sure that yes, the group of six standing outside at midnight is indeed the household and car in question. because everyone stands outside shivering in mn; why go in and warm up? he could get there any minute and you don't want to inconvenience someone, now do you? (;

darin and corpse walk out to the car. the cop rolls down his window and asks whose car it is; corpse affirms it's his. then he asks: so, do i have any warrants out for my arrest?

he said it loud enough that the peanut gallery in the driveway could hear, and at that point we got the giggles. better yet, after we'd taped and vacuumed and swept up the glass and were back in the house and getting back into the spygame, corpse said that when he asked, the cop looked.

too much.

we got home around i think 230 or so, after a rollicking good time, and then i just couldn't sleep. this morning i had to get my butt over to the dmv to get my license renewed, but after i got up i dawdled and poked around at used cars online, found one i wanted to test drive and within ten minutes of emailing the dealership in question, had an appointment. after waiting at the dmv and getting a new picture and being told that my vision is fine (thank the gods they don't check hearing LOL) i came home, collected dan and we headed up to wayzata.

it was a nice dealership--village chevrolet, for anyone watching. a nice no-pressure place. which is good, because i DESPISE pushy salesfolk. ewwie. we drove a cute little subaru impreza hatchback and i liked immensely due to the hatchback, which is the height of practicality for me, myself and i. i had immediate visions of rummage saling in the spring. *dreamy sigh, ususally reserved for christian bale but applied today to the ultimate practicality of a hatchback...*

of course i'm thinking on it. and i'm sure by monday, when i'm thinking that yes, i want a mechanic to peek and let me know what's wrong with it, it'll be history. but i got up there and i drove it. and that's what counts. i drove a subaru, and i liked it. LOL small steps for humanity, in fact maybe just glances in a direction for humanity...but giant leaps for kimbo the destroyer. i'm hoping they'll take my car as a trade, and if so, hoping after that that i can get a cd player popped in so that the car will be useful to me. wink wink, nudge nudge. could i live without my cd player? how pampered am i?


anyway i'm running on about 4.5 hours of sleep and it's far too lovely out to not go outside so i'm off for a walk in the woods. possibly after ordering a digital camera from my incentive site online.

so far so good. off to the races. also off towards a cupcake, which sounds divinely awful for my hips right now. (:

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