Saturday, May 07, 2005

rain drops keep falling on my house

just when yesterday gave me hope that it'd be sunny and bright today, it's raining and wep. the upside is that it's sooooooooooooooo green. which is lovely.

last night was fun--dan's games are always fun. the only downside was that we'd stopped on the way over at dq for dinner--and the grease gave me intestinal distress. note to self: no more fast food. oy.

i had this weird dream this morning about my sister beth. i dreamed she took off to go somewhere, and we were all worried and couldn't reach her by phone. so my sister sbw and i got in the car w/ dad and started driving north. (god only knows where we were--it was nowhere familiar.) about halfway to wherever we thought we were going, dad turned into some other man i didn't know, and insisted that we pull the car over and wait out the traffic. we ended up in this place right next to the highway that had this little hill that was supposed to have been something to someone at some time--maybe like an indian mound or something. it was a dream, okay? (; i climbed the path to the top and looked out over the freeway, and across 4 lanes of traffic, in the ditch going south, there was beth. i yelled until my lungs ached and she looked over, grabbed a bag out of the car, and ran over. she was so surprised to see us there--as if we would have left her behind--and sara, too. the man who wasn't dad turned into dad again and then we had to go through this house and empty it out. i woke up at one point because the phone was ringing, and went back to the dream to finish it--my uncle jed was telling me that i had to turn off this television but i couldn't figure out how, and then mom came in and just unplugged it. i woke up then and came downstairs, only to find that the ringing phone of a few minutes before was none other than my sister beth. weird.

so today nothing much is on the docket. i have to find out how much my car will cost to get the brake pads fixed (bianca's in the shop now) and then go retrieve it. d and c were supposed to call if they needed help w/ stuff at the house today; i know they had things planned for outside but w/ the rain...who knows. we need to clean up the house in prep for serena's visit next weekend too. so we'll see. there are things to be done. but perhaps this weekend will be from inside the house, where there's no rain. (;

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