Sunday, December 18, 2005


i know that our townhome's not adequately insulated because:

1. the furnace runs all the time.
2. it's still chilly in the house.
3. and there's icicles that sice of nuclear carrots hanging off our patio-side roof, which means that heat is leaking through the ceiling and melting ice, and voila!

not that i mind the chill. it's winter, it's supposed to be chilly. no, what i mind is the gas bill. and seeing those icicles reminds me that when i open it up next time, it's going to be fifteen shades of lovely. (;

yesteday we spend the day moving things around upstairs, in an effort to see what we could do with the rooms we have. we put all the bookshelves, including the new one, in the smaller room, which now looks much bigger because there's floorspace. dan even hung up his dartboard, although i'm no good without just one beer to take my Must Toss Perfectly Right edge off. without beer, he hits near center, and i'm off along the edges. *sigh* i suppose with practice, all things are possible. correct? i certainly hope so.

he also put together this contraption i had my heart set on--a peice of exercise equipment i bought at *shudder* wal-mart. it was cheap, but i need some way to exercise in my home during the week, and i'm not getting nearly enough right now. so i paid like 94 clamshells, dragged the box home, and dan looked at the instructions and set it up. there was a ton of cursing involved due to the fact that the instructions and the actual contraption were two different birds--but it's up and running now, and kudos to dan over and over for battling with it. i just hope we both get to use it now! (:

meanwhile in the kitchen...tossed meatballs and sauce in the crockpot. my sister and brother in law came down for dinner and a movie. they brought their dog, who is about 7 months old. the cats were quite insulted, and maura's still a puppy enough to not recognize that they're ticked; she just keeps barking and treeing them in various areas of the house. we ended up watching from hell, and by the end of it i realized what bothered me about that movie:

1. heather graham sucks.
2. heather graham's dye job is atrocious.
3. it doesn't have a happy ending.

the rest of the movie i like--ian holm is good, johnny depp is easy on the eyes, and there's lots of fake blood. mmm, minty fresh!

today must be the day for lists. i have a great deal to accomplish--need to run a quick errand, and then drop back home to see if dan's up for lunch, and then bake 90 cookies. yes, 90. i signed up for the cookie exchange with nary a thought of how many other people were going to. last year i only had to bake like 40 or something. i've got all my ingredients out, but i want to run my errand before i begin. in the end, it's only 4 pans of bars, provided i slice each pan into 24 squares. so we'll see.

dan's still sleeping and it's noon, so i'm assuming that he was up fairly late blogging and playing wow (which is quite addictive, but eventually i do get bored. go figure...) i often wish that dan wasn't such a night owl. i used to be, but as i get older, it's more and more difficult to sleep past 730. this morning was an exception, as i had a glass of wine last night after dinner and then took a sleeping pill about six hours later because i just couldn't fall asleep. i slept very well, but much longer than i normally do, and woke up feeling like i'd slept in the same position all night.

which i think i did...oops. but the idea is that i actually slept, which was a problem on friday night when i only got 4 hours of sleep. functioned fine yesterday, but i always doubt my reflexes when i haven't gotten much rest.

so it's off to the races for day two of Kimmy Does Domestic Duties. (;


dan said...

You made chocolate chip bars.

You're trying to fatten me up and eat me.


ombren said...

LOL i've been called worse. at least you're honest. and you're telling the truth. LOL

jane said...

You can feed me those chocolate chip bars & roll me down the road for all I care. (just give me the chocolate!)
I'm assuming with icicles & all, it's pretty damn cold up there. We freeze when it's 65 outside.
I'm also nocturnal & have tried so many times to change my pattern, it always ends up swinging back though.
At least you have each other to keep warm. :)