Tuesday, December 20, 2005

cats. i'm being nibbled to death by cats.

this is henry as i see him in the morning: up close and quite personal. usually he's chewing on my hair.

and just because she would despise being left out, here's shiva koja.

i'm posting them because last night before i went to bed, i took a variety of pictures of dan for his blog--and at one point he joked that we should use henry instead of posting dan's own pic of himself. it looks like he's had it doctored some by maggs, but it's a good pic of him. the boy's always moving so we had good pictures in which he was actually minutely leaning back as i clicked...and therefore looked like he was rendered by an impressionist painter.

which i never mind, but he wanted something more clear. fine, sit still, man! (;

I'm supposed to be upstairs showering right now but had to come and check out his pic, and then decided that it'd been a while since i posted kitties...and now it's twenty after 7 and i'm going to be quite late, but i just don't care.

there's been a lot on my mind this week--this weekend we see dan's parents for the first time since last year, grandma's passing, the cookie exchange at work (about which i will post eventually, if for no other reason than to show you the first batch of disastrous bars), shopping for the holidays, work, etc. it goes on and on.

the thing i keep coming back to is serena. it's the holidays, her birthday was back at the beginning of december, and she had the courage to email me in november. i didn't actually check that email account until about two weeks after she first emailed. her first letter was apologetic and reminded me of the first few weeks and months of this ordeal--shaking when i thought about it, talked about it, so on and so forth. course, i've talked about it a lot at this point, with whoever i choose. it didn't sound as though serena had. i am hopeful that she will be able to approach our mutual friend, teresa, or if nothing else, go to a professional and find respite there.

anyway, i emailed her back and said, go for it--no harm, no foul. she emailed back and said that she knew i would have questions and that she was afraid her answers would sound like lame excuses--which they might. hell, dan's did too, but he just stuck to his guns and answered, and i had something on which to chew.

i emailed back with a few questions. that was on december 5th. i've heard nothing since.

i understand that she was back in st cloud recently, for her brother's graduation. and last saturday, as close as uncle hugo's in minneapolis. it made me wonder if she thought about stopping by, or if she thought of me or dan at all.

in conversation, my cari said that i was one of those people who would give cookies to their enemy. that same night, we watched a family guy in which quagmire cheats on cleveland with cleveland's wife, loretta. at the end of the show, cleveland has the opportunity to beat quagmire up with a baseball bat--which he declines, saying: "i just can't cause harm to anyone, even if they've caused harm to me."

which is the truth. i'm angry, yeah. but i don't want to maim serena. it just doesn't seem like it's worth the effort. it's frustrating, because for me, i've found a reason for this to have happened--honesty between friends and family, seeing a therapist for my depression and ADD, being aware of my own limits and learning how to work within and without them, and the gift of truth from dan.

i'd like there to be some reason for this for serena, too. people go through these things for reasons, i think. there were of course many many ways in which this could have played out--but between the three of us, we chose messy over honest and ordered. i feel like dan and i have been working on the mess, working on re-organizing and re-figuring.

i'd like to be able to do the same with serena, but the ball's in her court. i have trouble remembering that. and i keep shoulding myself--i shouldn't have asked her questions, i shouldn't have said anything, i should have just allowed things to go back to normal.

but realisitically, i cannot. in the books about affairs that i read, the prevailing idea i took was that questions need to be asked. which means that my asking the questions was fine. besides the fact i don't think i did so maliciously or with anything other than polite intent.

the first beast at the top of my post is currently playing with the key hooks. and the second one is staring at me in the hopes that i will give her the morning canned food, and soon. i do need to go to work, at some point, as well. so i suppose i should cut this short and feed the felines before they just join forces and chew off my ankles. (;


dan said...

I hope that you know how much I value you as a person, Kimberly. You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. That's all anyone can ever ask of anyone else...

Now, let's sit back and watch your Xmas present tonight, and have a laugh. :)

Maggs said...

I hope you get your answers...and I hope they will sit well with you. Be careful what you wish for.

ombren said...

answers are answers, regardless of their validity or lack thereof. i think in the end i'd just like to know that she's concerned. i've got a post i'm working on for tomorrow.

and i am SOOOOOO looking forward to serenity tonight! kick ass, river! (:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, the most cutting weapon one can use against an enemy is forgiveness. There are some who can't face it, if it is offered to them. Perhaps guilt overwhelms them. Maybe they want the easy way out, since it's easier to hate an enemy than love one, and if you were treating her the same way she's treating you, it wouldn't sting so much. Maybe when it comes down to it, she can't face the fact that to you, at least, she was a friend.

Whatever it is, I understand all too well how difficult it is to just wait. It doesn't sit well with me. I hate waiting, hate having unfinished business hanging out there. Sometimes, though, we just need to learn to buck up and deal with it. Time heals all wounds, and all. ^^

No matter what happens, know that you still have friends, and I'm one of them. *hugs*


Nicole said...

Wishing you well for Christmas!!

:* Princess

jane said...

You are one hell of a woman. I've got tons of admiration for you.

ps...those cats are so cute & cuddly.

Openfields said...

Well, I do not know the entire background here but I truly hope you get the answers you seek.

From the reading that I have done here you sound like you really have a good head on your shoulders & an awesome, caring heart.

Although, I hope you fed those cats or else they might tackle you for that as well once they tear through your ankles.

They are quite adorable. The 2nd one looks similar to my cat Mittens the Instigator (not to be confused with the Terminator). She's quite the character - always getting my beagle Lucy into trouble. She thinks she smart, leading Lucy into traps to get yelled at & then sitting back in the corner looking all smug, smiling. Yup, well we caught on & guess who gets yelled at now?

Take care :-)

Unknown said...

Not that I'm a beacon of wisdom, but...y'know...you all have a lot of history. The more backstory there is, the shorter the climax...but the longer the resolution will take. Or something like that. C'mon, we've all read Lord of the Rings. ;)

I Need to see you guys. That's with a capital N.

