Tuesday, September 19, 2006

afraid of the dark

when i was kid i was always
afraid of the dark
the dim shadow beneath.
i'd leap from floor to mattress,
muffle the world with my pillow,
and if i woke at night,
i'd lay there imagining the shape
of my nightmares

later in life you realize
--while sleeping one night, next to your
that you are no longer afraid of the dark
that is sky lacking sun,
or moon behind cloud.

the dark that you fear, the darkest
of darks
is the pit of your own soul
which perhaps has been lurking along
for all these years,
disguised as the shimmery breath
beneath your bed.


dan said...

Hmm. 7.55 yesterday. Weren't we finishing up a CSI and sharing a brownie after Stephano's?

I boggle at your talent of saying what you mean to say. :)

jedimerc said...

That was somewhat chilling, mostly because I understand as well that dark we all fear... what awaits in the abyss of the soul.

Nicely done and a nice evolution of imagery and story of a sort to the poem.