Friday, January 20, 2006

surveys and chemical reactions--POW!

dan had this over on his blog and i just had to fill in the blanks to this one. i pasted the idea behind each one in after i'd completed things. it certainly is interesting. i think i have lake bemidji state park on the brain. LOL


You're walking through the woods. What time of day is it? (The time of day is your outlook in life.)

answer: it's a bright and very, very cold winter afternoon.

analysis: like i said, i'm thinking of my fave state park, my fave season. i'm not sure if that is really what this question is looking for, but it's what's on my mind. i'm in the afternoon of my life? not the morning, the dawn? i'm not nearing retirement i?

As you're walking, you happen upon a cup. What kind of cup is it, what state is it in, and what do you do with it? (The cup, and your reaction to it, reflect your outlook on love. )

answer: it's probably a paper cup, tossed out the window by someone else. i pick it up and put it in the garbage when i see one, or let it go back to nature.

analysis: do i get the leftovers tossed from others? or am i just thinking of what's in the woods, the litter from careless hands?

You happen upon a body of water. What kind is it? What do you do with it? (The body of water is the size of your sexual desire and how you feel about sex. )

answer: it's frozen solid, an endless lake sprouting rivers. i walk out onto it.

analysis: does this mean my sex life is stagnant? i think if i'd been in a summer mood it would be different. in summer i think of water and i think about diving into it at dawn. the fact that the lake is frozen, in my mind, doesn't present much obstacle. it's just as exploratory frozen as it is when it's liquid.

You keep walking, and run into a wall. It extends to the left and the right as far as the eye can see. How high is it, and how do you get to the other side? (The wall is an obstacle, and how you react to it reflects how you tackle obstacles in your life.)

answer: it's so high i can't see the top. i have to find a ladder or a rope, or picks to climb over or through, or friends to help, or an airport...or i turn around and find something else to occupy my time, as obviously i don't need to get over the wall if i'm walking in the woods here.

analysis: apparently i'm still pretty apathetic about life if my last resort is just to live with the wall where it is. but i do like that i'm thinking of different ideas as to how to get past the wall before i just give up. LOL


so much of the above answers depend on what time of day it is when i'm responding, and what mood i'm in. like i said, another day, a brighter outlook, warmer weather, and i'd be saying that it was a clear dawn, i was diving into the clear water, picking up coffee mugs and finding out that five feet up, the rest of the wall is a visual illusion.

today, however, i'm thinking of my state park. of the snow crunching, the strident call of blue jays, squirrels chittering and shaking snow off fir boughs. and that's flavoring everything.

last night was spygame. YEEEEEEEE-HAW! i was ready for some explosions and such. time to roll dice, laugh with friends, and be intrigued by the complexity of dan's creation. (which he thinks of as simple...LOL)

yesterday was my first day on wellbutrin and the fuzzy headed feeling persisted, and was worse when i forgot to eat lunch. today so far has been fine. so hopefully, eventually, it will just go away.

i'm also on a new blood pressure tablet. all kinds of chemicals in such small tablets that make my body do strange things.

i was just reading the national geographic the other day. the front page article is on love, which they're looking into as a chemical reaction. there were all kinds of interesting points in it, things to consider. in the same issue, there's an article about switzerland and how only 17% of its land has been saved as national parks. everything else is ski and tourist area.

mapping the mind--does that detract from the mystery of love? of how it blossoms? should we leave areas unexplored?

i suppose in the mapping for one item, scientists often must come across another. "oh my, we were looking for parkinson's and we found humility!"

the writer of the love article reported of an test that was done involving a group of women. the women were given a t-shirts that men had worn, while sweating. they were asked to smell the shirts and pick out the one that was most appealing to them. invariably, the women picked shirts that matched men whose genomes were complete opposites of their own.

good-bye, e-harmony. hello, scent-a-mate.

perhaps that's why i always hear that you shouldn't pick up guys in bars. you're just looking, you're not able to smell their DNA.

i think about my own relationship, the wild pendulum on which we've ridden. dan is very different than me; aside from being male...LOL he's much taller, he's got brown eyes, he sees the world in a completely separate manner. but in the end, our brains are functioning very close to being the same: he's dg as bipolar, and i'm dg as adhd and depressed. not so different, when it comes to chemicals.

anyway, i think that the above little survey was skewed by my proclivities for walking in the woods, and my craving for it. perhaps a better survey would be to ask what your favorite smells are. perhaps that will tie me back to a better understanding of how i move through the world, and with whom i choose to connect.


dan said...

I love vanilla.

Nicole said...

Be careful, Wellbutrin causes increased irritability and sex drive. Which might not be completely bad.